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War & Peace: Discipline Strategies for Teens with #ADHD

Teens crave autonomy. This thirst for independence, plus adolescent mood swings, cause tension (and battles) in many ADHD households. In this video, learn how to discipline a teenager with ADHD, without unneccessary drama.

In this video, learn how to discipline a teenager without starting triggering an emotional explosion.

Parenting a teenager is hard, but if yours has attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD), the challenges are multiplied by the combination of changing hormones and symptoms.

Teens crave autonomy. This thirst for independence, plus adolescent mood swings, cause tension (and battles) in many ADHD households.

Use these 5 rules to encourage cooperation and peace with your teen.

1. Don’t punish symptoms.

An emotional teen with ADHD isn’t being “difficult” on purpose. Disorganization or forgetfulness is not a voluntary choice.

Teach symptom-control strategies; don’t automatically dole out consequences.

2. Create a written contract.

When rules are spelled out and signed – by parents and teens — power struggles diminish.

A few important rules (with consistent reminders and enforcement) work better than a long, overwhelming list.

3. Anticipate future problems.

What will you do:

  • If your child skips school?

  • If he calls you names?

  • If she breaks curfew?

  • If your teen comes home drunk?

Plan how you will react in advance, so you can deal with the problem calmly and constructively.

4. Let your teen vent.

ADHD brings with it strong emotions. Acknowledge your teen’s frustration, disappointment, resentment, and anger — without criticizing.

Be certain to differentiate between angry feelings and angry acts.

5. Establish zero-tolerance behaviors.

Teens with ADHD are at a higher risk for substance abuse, addiction, and car accidents.

Dangerous and illegal misbehaviors call for swift and meaningful consequences.

Learn more rules to manage teenage behavior problems here:


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